My Acne Journey

Disclaimer: I am not the pharmacist or Doktor Kulit but I try my best to study about my skin. We have differences type of skin so this is just my acne journey. 

Acne journey aku tak smooth like others but I will try to describe how I handle during my Acne problem. To be honest I drafted this blog since 2 Months and 6 days after my 1st and 2nd breaking out wave 🌊 .
21st March: The first picture I took was on 21st March. As you guys can see skin aku produce banyak minyak maybe due to dehydration. New acne can be seen. My skin tone tak sekata sebabkan acne and this is my first time breakout since 24-YO so supposedly aku aware dengan this changes but ingatkan sebab hormones and akan hilang sendiri like usual so I did nothing. I just kept continue using Cethapil cleanser yang dah guna selama 4 tahun.

8 April (2 weeks 6 days): Good improvements. At least I can see some acne berkurang. Tips: Air suam dan garam tuam muka everyday after work, Pencuci muka changed to Eucerin (Pro-acne) and moisturizer Simple for days. Well, you guys can see how much it's reduce from the 1st day breakout. At least, my skin no more oily ( I've combination skin). Hyperpigmentation occurs due to acne and the whitehead occurs. 

Fyi, whitehead occurs because of the pore clogged by the dead skin cells, oil and bacteria. We called it bump.

In addition, I'm using cleansing oil for reduce the whitehead and bumper on my face. It's work. Some people might not get the good result by using cleansing oil but you may try the cleansing balm or you don't have too.

21st April ( 1 month ): After 3 days using cleansing oil at least I found my face less bumper and I start felt better. However, it doesn't stay long.

Alright . Ready! Below was the  2nd breakout after I apply The Ordinary trial kit for purpose chemical exfoliating. The reasons why I using chemical exfoliator cause my face during this time can't handle the physical exfoliator for scrub the dead skin. I just give it a try and WOW! 2ND BREAKOUT ARE WORST! Mybe my skin are not for The Ordinary. Some people try it and it's good for their skin but for mine, it was not good at all. Don't be surprised with the 2nd breakout.

26 May ( 2 Months 5 days) : This is the 2nd wave of ance. Kali ni saya dah cuba pergi klinik kesihatan KL. Malang, tutup. Jadi I did some research and found out ada certain ubat yang KK government bagi dijual di Pharmacy. No worry cause I do know yang ubat ubat ni perlu diambil di bawah pemantauan Dr /pharmacist. 

This is my last trial before I go to the KK Kuala Lumpur for appointments. I can't just wait for the appointment and did nothing about my acne. It's worsening day by day. I am so down. Tempted and try my best to relax and cool and try again. 

At the end ramai kawan yang breakout and mereka berjaya solve their acne problem. I just need to be little patience and calm. I can do this! 

Below are the product/cleanser moisturizer that I used daily. 
Tips: Sebelum keluar rumah mesti apply moisturizer and sunblock. Since, ubat jerawat will make my skin become thinner so I have to put extra layer on it before exposes to the UV ray. 
P/s: Usually I used toner but lately I don't find toner (Hada-Labo) good for my skin now. I found that it lead to more breakout. Maybe Hada-labo just not for my skin. Not a big deal for those yang using toner for daily and you found it good for your skin. Just go for it. 
Tips from my experience:
1. Stop consuming dairy product and oily food
2. Keep hydrated 
3. Exercise help to maintain or control the stress
4. Hygiene (Means: Don't touch your face at all. Each time if you want to apply moisturizer or acne cream, use cotton bud or wash before and after apply cream on your face. Basically don't even touch it. Keep your room and bedsheet clean). Don't sleep covering your face with the pillow. 

Moisturizer Simple. 
Texture water . Good untuk combination skin.
Cleansing oil ( Grapeseed oil) 
Some people when they use the cleansing oil, they lead to more breakout. You may use cleansing balm.
3. Sunblock
4. Eucerin cleansing Gel. 
It's good if you facing the acne problem for the first time.

Honestly, all 4 products above really helpful for controlling my acne but I doesn't get rid of it. 
For certain skin who facing the same problem as me you guys have to find the reasons why your skin breakout. 

"Skins breaking out" just a sign from our body to show that we have toxics. We may consume too much oily or dairy food. Lack of hygiene. Not drink enough water. 

IF you guys try some products and found that it made your skin worst. Just stop and don't regret. At least, you have try to make it better. If it doesn't work, IT IS OKAY. You may just blacklisted it from your skin routine 😘 Not a big deal. Just believe you can make it through 🙂


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