
Tunjukkan catatan dari September, 2018

Respect is a Two-Way Street

Hi greetings.  Let me give you an introduction on how to respect people with difference age.  I heard this from somewhere or perhaps I have change it If you want to speak anything let your words it pass through these 3 gates.. "If I said this ... First gate ...How do I feel if I'm at their shoes"? Second gate .... Is it necessary"? Third gate ... Is it kind"? All these was the matter of "Respect". If you don't respect others by simply blubbering shit or something that wasn't pass the third gate, then you don't deserved any respect from them. Took from web Never has such thought " Oh, I am older than her" , " It's Okay they younger than me"  Be flexible. We are human . We aren't robot. We have emotion. We were not set up to only understand one thing .  In every situation, think before speaks. I know. Sometimes we felt angry or irritated.  Keep quiet. The mor...

Pengalaman Part-time Housekeeper Sejak Tingkatan 3.

Terasa nak kongsi pengalaman kerja sambilan sejak 15 tahun. Dulu awal awal aku mula buat kerja sambilan atau part time masa umur 15 tahun. Masa tu aku tingkatan 3. Awal awal dulu memang tak terasa nak part time cuma terikut-ikut kakak dengan abang je. Masa cuti sekolah panjang dulu tak ada kelas tuisyen jadi memang bosan cuti duduk duduk rumah. Jadi, mintak izin mak abah untuk part time, tup tup boleh... Bila boleh tu, part time dekat tempat kerja mak la. Hotel Equatorial as houskeeper.  Masa tu umur paling muda kerja masuk hotel ( Malaysian) 15 tahun. Department housekeeping tu memang tahu dan kenal lah dengan mak aku jadi like dikenalilah.... hahahahha.  Pengalaman pertama kali kerja part time masa tu memang penat gila. First day kerja terus demam 3 hari sebab sengal sengal badan sebab tak biasa kan. Jadi memang terus off 3 hari. Masa tu memang gelakkan diri sendiri sebab baru kerja first day dah off 3 hari. Malu gila kot.  Then lepas...

We Don't Need To Explain Ourselves.

Have you ever has this second thought on "why do I need to explain this to you?" in the middle of conversation regarding your choice of your personal life?  Obviously there are exception for your family, partner or employer. It is tiring to explain things to others when it come to personal matter. Why they want to know ? Why they care ? Who are they? They are not a family. Even if they are closes friends, everyone has their own right to hide their personal matter from you. If they care, what can they do ? All this questions were answered and you know it but yet in order to play-respect and be kind you have to explain to them.  Sometimes, we were bounded by others decisions. Our life were chained by others thought. They keep thinking this way and that way and drag us to follow their thought . Why ?  They only person you have to please is you - Jeff Barton.  People don't act tough just because they like too, but they need too.  ...

Cara Membuat Kimbap Sedap Mudah

Hi sis/bro.  Hari ni terasa nak tulis resepi buat kimbap senang dan sedap. Dulu masa join exchange program dekat korea memang suka join benda yang orang jarang buat . Jadi, masa tu ada program cooking class. Kita pun join la. Masa dekat situ memang best sebab ada 6 menu dia ajar serentak. My teams kena assigned buat kimbap! Yes! Masa ni tangan buat kimbap lepas siap pergi meja meja team lain untuk makan makanan dia masak. Bila time jamuan makan malam sebenar, semua makanan kita dah rasa, jadi duduk tepi lounge sambil pegang jus and hayati suasana je ... Hahahaha Nostalgia sangat! Ok jom mula! Ini gambar songsengnim ~ yang ajar buat kimbap tu. Tengoklah bahan bahan dia. Mudah dan simple je.  Untuk yang tak tahu bezakan kimbap dan sushi meh saya bagi tahu. sushi dan kimbap bezanya hanya pada rasa. Rasa nasi dia. Kalau kimbap rasa dia more to sesame seed/oil tapi sushi dari jepun more to rasa manis / masam . Bahan Bahan yang Diperlukan.  Meja tu kita d...