Respect is a Two-Way Street
Hi greetings. Let me give you an introduction on how to respect people with difference age. I heard this from somewhere or perhaps I have change it If you want to speak anything let your words it pass through these 3 gates.. "If I said this ... First gate ...How do I feel if I'm at their shoes"? Second gate .... Is it necessary"? Third gate ... Is it kind"? All these was the matter of "Respect". If you don't respect others by simply blubbering shit or something that wasn't pass the third gate, then you don't deserved any respect from them. Took from web Never has such thought " Oh, I am older than her" , " It's Okay they younger than me" Be flexible. We are human . We aren't robot. We have emotion. We were not set up to only understand one thing . In every situation, think before speaks. I know. Sometimes we felt angry or irritated. Keep quiet. The mor...