
Tunjukkan catatan dari Januari, 2018

10 peraturan mak masa zaman dulu dulu paling ingat.

Peraturan mak yang aku ingat sampai sekarang. When my sibling and I was a kid , my mom always set us on rules.  Rule number 1 : " No tv tv masa hari sekolah !" Memang rules ni tak boleh nak langgar pun sebab dulu masa aku sekolah rendah , mak abah berniaga warung ,rumah dekat dengan kedai . jadi kalau bukak tv memang kantoi alang alang lah nak... Nak tak nak, tak sentuh remote tv langsung weh dulu masa sekolah. Baik rendah atau menengah , jadi kalau sepupu atau kawan ada dok sembang pasal anugerah juara lagu, memang tak masuk campur la... bila orang tanya kenapa , "masa sekolah mana boleh tengok tv"  krikkk krikk krikk ... Rule number 2 : " Kalau nak main luar,  hafal sifir dulu  ! "   Masa tu aku zaman sekolah rendah lagi, meroyan duduk bawah mesin jahit yang pijak2 zaman dulu sebab susah nak hafal sifir 8, lepas tu kalau dah hafal kalau gagap gagap memang kena ulang semula, tuhan je tahu macam mana aku  hafal sambil menangis nangi...

Tips and experience rent a room as student.

Hello fellas , hiks. Well , this year I want to be more positive and bright.   So today I would like to share to you how to choose a rental house a.k.a rental room for student.  For your information, I am still a student 4th year University near KL.  As this semester is also my first time rent a room as my university's fee for college now is super expensive like thousand Rm1000 /semester . Not a private uni but still super expensive for me , therefore I choose to rent a room.   1. If you choose the room based on budget  Calculate how much is your budget such as budget  if you stay in college and budget fee plus  transportation if you rent. If the amount is most likely.. Oh.... I think you can just stay in the college unless you have extra money and feel want to gain new experience rent a room as student (near Kl)  . make sure it is at least less 30% than the fee of the college. You can choose sharing room ,because most...